Shipping & Picking up

Bolognese Transportation & Pick-up

We can ship our dogs internationally but you are always welcome to come
pick up your puppy in our house


It is always a joyous moment to see the happy faces of new owners when they first see their new pet.

Puppies can be taken home at the age of 9-12 weeks - this depends on the puppy's development level and independence.

The new owners come to visit us, so to speak, we sit in our living room next to the puppies' kennel and over coffee/tea we discuss all important questions and provide them with lots of useful information so that the puppy can fit perfectly into its new family. Of course, the new owners also get to know the mother dog, Bambina. They cannot meet Ettore, the father dog, because he is an Italian male dog who lives with his owner in Italy.

Of course, the puppy is given a contract, age-appropriate vaccinations, several dewormings and a chip, and is housetrained.

Along with the puppy, the new owners will receive the puppy's passport - which is also the vaccination book - and a large starter pack, which contains: dog diapers, chews, plush toys, 1 kg of high premium dry food.

Along with the puppy, we will also give you the latest version of the 30-page Bellissibolo puppy handbook we wrote - which contains useful tips and advice for new owners for the first period.

We do not let go of the new owners' hand even after they have been taken away, you can always ask us, and we even say that if the new owner is unsure about something, they should ask us, because we have 10+ years of experience with the Bolognese breed


Due to the outstanding quality of our dogs, the medical screening tests and the strong professional background, our prices are higher than the prices you can read in various classified ads. Higher price = higher quality is a guarantee that the puppies from us are beautiful and healthy.

The price of a puppy is not determined by the pedigree itself, because it costs about 10 thousand forints. But in order for a puppy to have a pedigree - especially a Premium pedigree, the parents and their parents had to fulfill countless things.

Just like anything else you buy in life, if you look for good quality, with official papers and a guarantee, it has a higher price.


We email prospective owners every week about the puppy's development and daily life from the time of booking until pick-up, and we also send lots of new pictures and videos of the puppy. This helps to form a bond from the very first moment and for prospective owners to get to know their new family member.


 Until the time of the transportation we are in weekly contact with the new owners of our puppies. We send them puppy videos and pictures and discuss a lot of things in advance regarding to their new family member :)When it gets close to shipping time, we make the reservations to the airport of your choice. We live close to the Budapest Airport, HU.We work with a professional shipping company, that provides a personal escort to every puppy! The escort's (other name: pet carrier) work is to take care of the puppy during the whole journey. Usually the puppy is sleeping while they are travelling together. The personal escort travels with your puppy on the passangers area of the plane, in the aircraft cabin. He takes care of the puppy: gives water, food and pampering to him/her. Usually he sends pictures of the puppy to keep you and us updated.When they arrive to the destination airport, the personal escort will call you and you will meet each other at the airport - Arrival zone. The escort gives your puppy to you together with the starter pack and his/her documentation.The shipping company is reliable and has great experience in transportation, so as the personal escorts. You can get references with names and contact info of satisfied American, European owners,who got their new family members by this way.


You can choose your future favorite from the available puppies. We upload new videos about the puppies every week to the Bellissibolo Bolognese Youtube channel. Based on the videos and photos, our new owners can usually decide who their favorite is. Of course, we will help you with the decision.

In the case of a young reservation, the puppy is selected in the order of the reservation at 5-6 weeks of age - depending on the development level of the litter.

The official reservation of the puppy is made upon payment of the deposit.

After the reservation, we tell the future owners about the puppy's development and daily life by email every week until the delivery, and we also send many new pictures and videos of the puppy. This helps the bond to begin to form from the very first moment and the future owners get to know their new family member.

Before the puppy is picked up, we will discuss the "puppy shopping list" so that prospective owners can purchase the best and most comfortable dog equipment for their Bolognese until the puppy's arrival.

Along with the puppy, we also give you the latest version of our 30-page Bellissibolo puppy handbook - which contains useful tips and advice for new owners during their first period.


For some reason, people think that girl puppies are easier to keep because they are more adaptable and docile. This is not true, because on the one hand, there is no significant cognitive difference between male and female dogs, and on the other hand, let's not forget that bitches come into heat twice a year.

In fact, boys are kinder, cuddlier, and more accepting than girls. This is because evolutionarily, bitches had to grow up to the serious task of giving birth and raising children, while males spent their entire lives in the pack: getting food and mating during the mating season. Since they don't have the burden of caring for their offspring, they can remain more playful, kinder, cuddlier, and more mischievous throughout their lives.

Another thing to mention is marking. In fact, this problem usually occurs in only one case - when a male and a female dog live together in the family or near each other.

Male dogs that are kept as the only dogs do not usually mark - they have no reason to do so.

If marking occurs, neutering is usually a solution (it is recommended to have it done after 1 year of age). Neutering also offers a solution to the twice-yearly heat of female dogs.

So if you want a puppy, you can safely choose a boy - Bolognese boys are really fairy tales.

We can ship our puppies to all over the World but you are always welcome to come pick up your puppy in our house. Some of our new owners came to us by car or by plane and some other cases we arranged the transportation of the puppy with a professional dog shipper. All of our puppies have arrived safely and soundly. Puppies can be trasported to their new homes when they are 12 - 15 weeks old. The exact age depends on the rules of the destination countries.